Intelligent legal advice integrated to the business.

Companies in the chemical and petrochemical segment are responsible for developing and marketing products that drive the most varied markets, from food to technology, up to transportation and other segments that are part of our daily lives.

The diverse nature of the segment, along with the challenges within the legal system, infrastructure network and business environment, requires a distinctive legal practice.

This practice requires a team with extensive experience in business law, that understands the specific characteristics of different industries, and can provide multidisciplinary solutions.

Demarest is a full service firm that has been involved, over the years, in important transactions of the chemical and petrochemical sectors. Our firm has a vast experience in overcoming legal obstacles, while leveraging its clients’ strategies.

As a result, Demarest’s clients are more likely to succeed.

We advise some of the most relevant agents in the chemical and petrochemical sectors, and our team is highly specialized in matters related to this industry. This combination of specific and multidisciplinary knowledge enables the development of creative and tailored solutions for your business.

Our assistance encompasses matters such as:

  • Mergers and acquisitions with full attention to the chemical and petrochemical markets and to the interests of the parties involved;
  • Different contracts of the sector;
  • Corporate matters;
  • Corporate governance;
  • Project feasibility and financing;
  • Tax and regulatory advice;
  • Trade regulation of chemical and petrochemical products;
  • Analysis of compliance and environmental risks in potentially polluting businesses;
  • Risk management and negotiation with affected parties.