Assistance on decisive legal matters in order to encourage progress.

From matters related to urban mobility to railroad concession proceedings. Advising the infrastructure area requires dealing with regulated sectors, fundraising, partnerships, and strategic agreements with the government. Demarest provides differentiated services supported by extensive experience in the sector and in-depth knowledge of all political and commercial risks and challenges of projects involving public concessions.

Our practice ranges from the development of greenfield projects, carrying out technical, economic, environmental and legal viability studies in order to properly structure the project and ensure good results, to the sale of stock ownership, if that is the company’s choice.

We draft legal documents and public notices regarding concessions and public-private partnerships (PPPs), in addition to requests for expression of interest (PMI), in several areas of the infrastructure sector, such as highways, ports, airports, railways and basic sanitation.

Our extensive experience and knowledge of the infrastructure industry standards enables us to assist you with all needs of your project.