Partner in the practice areas of Litigation and Tax at Demarest, Angela Cignachi Baeta Neves holds an LLM in Social Function of Law from Centro Universitário Alves Faria (FADISP/UNIALFA), a post-graduate degree in Electoral Law from Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais (PUC-MG) and a bachelor’s degree of Law from Centro Universitário de Brasília (UniCEUB). She has extensive experience in Judicial and Administrative Litigation in the areas of Electoral Law, Public Law and before Superior Courts, constantly involved in concentrated control actions (ADI, ADC, ADPF) and General Repercussion (RG) topics regarding tax matters before the Federal Supreme Court. She is a member of the Social Communication Council of Brazil's Congress.

  • Represented the interests of an association before the Federal Supreme Court in a direct action for declaration of unconstitutionality, which questioned the validity of a regulation that required the conclusion of an administrative proceeding confirming the tax debt before tax authorities could forward a criminal tax complaint to the Public Prosecution Office.
  • Represented the interests of an association before the Federal Supreme Court in a direct action for declaration of unconstitutionality, in which it was argued that the 90-day and fiscal year anteriority rules had been infringed by the enactment of a supplementary law that established an ICMS differential rate.
  • Represents the interests of an association before the Federal Supreme Court in a direct action for declaration of unconstitutionality, in which the levying of ISS on the calculation basis of PIS and COFINS is challenged.
  • Represents the interests of an association before the Federal Supreme Court in a direct action for declaration of unconstitutionality, in which the law that extended the payroll tax exemption for seventeen sectors of the Brazilian economy is challenged.
  • Master’s degree (LLM) in Social Function of Law from Centro Universitário Alves Faria (FADISP/UNIALFA), São Paulo, Brazil (2020)
  • Post-graduate degree in Electoral Law from Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais (PUC-MG), Minas Gerais, Brazil (2018)
  • Bachelor of Laws from Centro Universitário de Brasília (UniCEUB), Brasília, Brazil (2003)
  • Board Member of the Brazilian Institute of Electoral Law (IBRADE)
  • Member of the Commission on Electoral Law of the Brazilian Bar Association - Federal District Section
  • Substitute member of the Social Communications Council of the National Congress
  • Founding member of the Brazilian Institute of Legislative Law (IBDL) (May/2019)
  • Member of the Observatory for the Environment and Climate Change of the Judiciary
  • Co-author of the article “Instrumentos de participação popular na atividade de produção das leis – a democracia semi-direta como aliada da democracia representativa para o aperfeiçoamento do estado democrático” [“Instruments of popular participation in the production of laws – semi-direct democracy as an ally of representative democracy for the improvement of the democratic state”] in the book “Direito Constitucional Contemporâneo: Homenagem ao Professor Michel Temer” [“Contemporary Constitutional Law: A Tribute to Professor Michel Temer”], Quartier Latin do Brasil, São Paulo, 2012.
  • Author of the article “Julgamento da Ficha Limpa” [“Clean Record Act Trial”]. Caderno Direito e Justiça, p. 3, Correio Braziliense, Brasília, May 23, 2011.
  • Co-author of the article “O artigo 16-A da Lei n. 9.504/1997, introduzido pela Lei n. 12.034/2009, e sua interpretação conforme a Constituição” [“Article 16-A of Law No. 9,504/1997, introduced by Law No. 12,034/2009, and its interpretation in accordance with the Constitution”], Revista Brasileira de Direito Eleitoral. 4th Year, No. 6, 2012.
  • Co-author of the article “Reforma Política e eleições municipais” [“Political reform and local elections”]. Correio Braziliense, Brasília, 2015.
  • Co-author of the article “Como esperado, avanços da reforma política ficaram aquém do necessário” [“As expected, advancements in the political reform fall short”], Consultor Jurídico, Brasília, 2016.
  • Co-author of the article “PEC que cria janela para troca-troca partidário gera dúvida” [“Constitutional Amendment Bill that opens a window for political party swaps spawns doubts”], Consultor Jurídico, Brasília, 2016.
  • Author of the article “Skinner, Hobbes e a liberdade republicana” [“Skinner, Hobbes and republican freedom”], Revista Prática Forense. Brasília, 2nd year, No. 23, 2018.
  • Author of the article “O tratamento da Convenção da Cidade do Cabo no âmbito da recuperação judicial da Avianca” [“Treatment of The Cape Town Convention in the scope of Avianca’s judicial reorganization”], Migalhas, Brasília, 2019.
  • Author of the article “A procedência da Investigação Judicial Eleitoral sob o prisma do beneficiário do abuso” [“The validity of the Electoral Legal Investigation from the perspective of the beneficiary of the abuse”], Revista Paraná Eleitoral, Curitiba, vol. 8, No. 2, 2019.
  • Portuguese and English