Joyl Gondim de Alencar Filho
Wealth and Succession Structuring Mergers and Acquisitions
+55 21 3723 9804 jgondim@demarest.com.br São Paulo
Partner of Demarest’s Mergers and Acquisitions area, Joyl Gondim holds a postgraduate degree in American Law and Legal Institutions from the University of Wisconsin (USA) and a specialization in Business Administration for Graduates from FGV/SP. He has a strong presence in large and medium-sized M&A operations in several sectors, including Life Sciences, Technology, Insurance and Education. Joyl has wide experience in advising family groups on their estate and succession planning.
- Assisted Mapfre Brasil S.A. in the negotiation with BB Seguridade S.A. that resulted in the reorganization of its strategic partnership in the area of insurances, including the acquisition of a stake in BB Seguridade by Mapfre BB SH2 Participações S.A., for the approximate amount of de BRL 2,4 billion.
- Assisted H. Hemo – Hemoterapia Brasil S.A. in the receipt of an investment of BRL 50.000,00 by 2b Capital and the subsequent acquisition of stakes in some of the most important private blood banks in Brazil, such as Fujisan Centro de Hemoterapia Hematologia do Ceará Ltda. (Fortaleza – CE) and Hemoclínica Clínica de Hematologia e Hemoterapia Ltda. (Brasília – DF).
- Advised Ser Educacional, one of the largest private education groups in Brazil and leader of the segment in the North and Northeast regions, in more than 10 transactions related to acquisitions of educational institutions across the country, which amount to a value around BRL 500 million combined.
- Demarest advised Corebiz, specialized in omnichannel business, technology consulting for e-commerce and digital marketing solutions and a reference in digital businesses implementation in Latin America and Europe, in the sale of all of its quotas to the British group WPP, the largest in the world in advertising and public relations.
- Advised Sociedade de Ensino Superior Toledo, maintaining company of Centro Universitário Toledo – UniToledo and Colégio Toledo – Escola de Ensino Médio, in the sale of 100% of its quotas to Sociedade de Ensino Superior Estácio de Sá (a subsidiary of Yduqs).
- Specialization Course in Administration for Graduates by Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV), São Paulo, Brazil (2008)
- Post-graduation in American Law and Legal Institutions by the University of Wisconsin, United States (2001)
- Bachelor in Laws by the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP), São Paulo, Brazil (2001)
- Portuguese and English