Protecting wealth for generations.


Protecting wealth means ensuring that the next generations can live with more security and prosperity. Together with carefully structured legal solutions, the management of assets and rights is critical to ensure that a legacy endures throughout generations.


Through creative strategic solutions, we add value to personal wealth, always seeking to maximize security for the custody of assets and reduce family disputes at the time of their transfer. Communication is an integral part of our services, and we are well prepared to address the emotional aspects of a negotiation in order to ensure greater longevity to wealth.


Our team is experienced in multiple areas of law and well versed in bolstering family governance, in order to consolidate acquisitions accumulated over generations, through a three-step process:


  1. Diagnostics

Understanding a client’s needs through extensive study of proprietary data. We aim to establish the most effective strategy for each case. During this first step we carry out:

    • An overall analysis of the composition of wealth and family structure specifications in order to recommend appropriate restructuring measures;
    • A thorough analysis of the wealth identified, including real estate, corporate assets, personal property, credit, liabilities and contingencies;
    • Tax study aimed at optimizing measures to mitigate the tax burden on the wealth, as well as the client’s earnings, including the implementation of structures in and out of Brazil;
    • Joint study with international firms on the establishment of tax residence outside of Brazil, if it interests the client.


  1. Modeling options

During this stage, our lawyers present the results of the Diagnostics phase in a practical and straightforward way, providing details on the legal  measures and instruments that will be employed during the planning process.


  1. Implementation

We assist our clients throughout and after the implementation of all recommended and agreed on measures. During the third step we put the recommended measures into practice. Our services include the preparation of legal documentation (corporate, contract and tax), carrying out registration and communication with other parties involved in the planning, including financial advisors, investment banks, foreign lawyers, among others.