Partner in Demarest’s Dispute Resolution practice area, Fernando Maluf is currently pursuing a PhD in State Law from Universidade de São Paulo (USP), holds a master’s degree in International Law from Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP) and is a Professor at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie and IBMEC-SP. Fernando has a solid experience in judicial and arbitral disputes, preventive and pre-litigation situations, especially involving Public Law. His main clients include public service concessionaires, associations and companies in the infrastructure, energy, mining, telecommunications and technology sectors, including startups. Fernando acts as an arbitrator and is included in the lists of arbitrators of AMCHAM, CBMA, CAESP, CAMCA (OAB-SP), CAMES and CAMAGRO. He is the coordinator of collective works and the author of books, chapters and articles on Arbitration, Public Law and Innovation.

  • Advised public service concessionaires in several arbitrations against federal government entities linked to the failure of the granting authority to comply with obligations under the administrative contract and the respective need for economic and financial rebalancing.
  • Advised a public service concessionaire in a legal dispute (including a stay of proceedings before the STJ) linked to the undue decision by the State Governor to intervene and terminate the administrative contract.
  • Advised a public service concessionaire in several legal disputes (including a stay of proceedings before the TJSP) linked to the undue imposition by the Judiciary Branch regarding supply to users without consideration during the Covid-19 pandemic.
  • Advised the Dutch government in a legal dispute involving the contractor's failure to comply with an infrastructure project in one of Brazil's northeastern ports.
  • Advised several startups in legal disputes linked to attempts by federal government entities or dominant players to prevent innovative solutions from entering traditional market segments, especially within the context of a legal or regulatory vacuum.
  • PhD in State Law from Universidade de São Paulo (USP), São Paulo, Brazil (in progress)
  • Master’s degree in International Law from Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP), São Paulo, Brazil (2020)
  • Bachelor of Laws from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie of Law, São Paulo, SP, Brazil, (2013).
  • Professor of Arbitration in the Postgraduate Course of IBMEC-SP
  • Professor of Public Law and Innovation Law for the Undergraduate Program at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie
  • Coordinator of the Civil Justice Observatory (Observatório da Justiça Civil) at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie
  • Member of the Arbitration Commission of the Brazilian Bar Association, São Paulo Chapter (OAB-SP)
  • Member of the Technology and Innovation Committee of the Brazilian Bar Association, São Paulo Chapter (OAB-SP)
  • Director and Member of the New Arbitrators Initiative of the Brazil-America Chamber of Commerce (INOVARB-AMCHAM)
  • Member of the Brazilian Arbitration Committee (CBAr)
  • Member of the Brazilian Association of Arbitration Students (ABEARB)
  • Member of the International Council for Commercial Arbitration (Young ICCA)
  • Member of the International Arbitration Institute (Young ITA)
  • Fellow of the ProLíder Leadership Training Program (Instituto Four)
  • Impact Professor (Estudar Foundation)
  • Co-author of the chapter "'Collective Arbitration' in Brazil: the seven constitutional sins” [“‘Arbitragem Coletiva’ no Brasil: os sete pecados constitucionais”], in the book "2 Worlds' Arbitration: Dialogues between Brazil and Portugal” [“Arbitragem 2 Mundos: Diálogos entre o Brasil e Portugal”], Latin Quarter, 2024
  • Co-author of the chapter "Between technology and the Leviathan: the role of judicial decisions in regulating and implementing public policies in the age of the information revolution” [“Entre a tecnologia e o Leviatã: o papel da decisão judicial na regulação e implementação de políticas públicas na era da revolução informacional”], in Revista Fórum de Direito na Economia Digital (RFDED), v. 7, No. 10, pages 73-88, Jan./Dec. 2023, Fórum, 2024
  • Co-author of the chapter "Participatory justice: technology as an instrument for bringing the Supreme Court and society closer” [“Justiça participativa: a tecnologia como instrumento de aproximação do Supremo e a sociedade”], in the book "Perspectives, possibilities and challenges for the application of social, political and economic rights” [“Perspectivas, possibilidades e desafios da aplicação dos direitos sociais, políticos e econômicos”], Thoth, 2023
  • Coordinator and co-author of the book " Arbitration and the Constitution” [“Arbitragem e Constituição”], RT, 2023
  • Coordinator and co-author of the book "35 years of the Constitution: An evolving nation. Tribute to Justice Carlos Ayres Britto” [“35 anos de Constituição: Uma nação em evolução. Homenagem ao Ministro Carlos Ayres Britto”], Quartier Latin, 2023
  • Coordinator and co-author of the book "Supreme Court 4.0: Constitution and Technology on the agenda” [“Supremo 4.0: Constituição e tecnologia em pauta”], RT, 2022
  • Coordinator and co-author of the book "Freedom of expression and multilevel constitutionalism: STF case law, jurisdictional dialogues and contemporary challenges” [“Liberdade de expressão e constitucionalismo multinível: jurisprudência do STF, diálogos jurisdicionais e desafios contemporâneos”], JusPodivm, 2021
  • Coordinator and co-author of the book "Major decisions of the Supreme Court” [“Os grandes julgamentos do Supremo”], GZ, 2020
  • Coordinator and co-author of the book "Practical analysis of arbitration chambers and arbitration in Brazil” [“Análise prática das câmaras arbitrais e da arbitragem no Brasil”], IASP, 2019
  • Coordinator and co-author of the book " Constitution of the Republic 30 years later: a practical analysis of the efficiency of fundamental rights. Studies in honor of Justice Luiz Fux” [“Constituição da República 30 anos depois: uma análise prática da eficiência dos direitos fundamentais. Estudos em homenagem ao Ministro Luiz Fux”], Forum, 2018
  • Portuguese and English