Marcello Pedroso Pereira
Agribusiness Automotive Social Security Sports and Entertainment Tax
+55 11 3356 1818 mppedroso@demarest.com.br São Paulo
Partner of Demarest’s Social Security practice area, Marcello Pedroso Pereira holds an MBA in Business Management from FGV and a specialization in Tax Law from PUC-SP. He concentrates his practice in the defense of tax foreclosure proceedings filed by the INSS, Federal Revenue Office and other entities as well as processes related to FGTS. Marcello also assists international clients in inspection procedures related to social security. Among his clients are major Brazilian companies from various sectors, including: financial markets, automotive, truck and tire industries, technology companies, service providers, energy, information and communication technology (ICT), telemarketing, hospitals and diagnostics companies, chemicals and adhesives, compressors, health and animal feed, among others. Marcello has been nominated for many consecutive years as a leading lawyer in his field by the legal directories Chambers & Partners and Análise Advocacia 500.
- Advises numerous clients in the industrial, commercial and services segments in relation to preventive consulting and in administrative and judicial proceedings that discuss the “Payroll Tax Reduction”
- Advises numerous clients in the rural segment in relation to preventive consultancy and in administrative and judicial proceedings that discuss the “substitutive social security contribution”
- Advises more than 50 clients from the industrial, commercial and services segments, in preventive consultancy and in administrative and judicial proceedings that discuss the validity of Profit Sharing Plans (PLR)
- Assessora dezenas de clientes em ações administrativas e judiciais a respeito do Seguro Contra Acidentes de Trabalho e do Fator Acidentário de Prevenção (SAT e FAP)
- MBA in Business Management from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV/SP), São Paulo, Brazil (2012)
- Specialization in Tax Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (Cogeae/PUC-SP), São Paulo, Brazil (2005)
- Bachelor of Laws from Universidade Paulista (UNIP), São Paulo, Brazil (2001)
- Member of the Center for Studies of Law Firms (CESA)
- Portuguese, English and Italian