This newsletter is for informative purposes only and does not constitute legal advice for any specific operation or business. For more information, please contact our legal team.
In order to keep our clients informed about the current landscape of the main energy and natural resources sectors in Brazil, we have prepared the Energy Newsletter, a monthly bulletin with the main news of the energy market.
This information channel is the result of the collaboration between our “Oil & Gas” and “Energy” teams.
The newsletter was designed within the context of the energy transition that is being targeted in Brazil, and drafted as a complete source of information about the dynamic Brazilian energy market within the oil, natural gas, electricity and renewable energy sectors.
Enjoy reading!
Oil and Gas
ANP announces public hearing on changes in insurance bond templates
On April 10, 2024, the Brazilian National Agency for Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (“ANP”) held a public hearing to discuss the review of the insurance bond templates provided for in the Tender Protocols for the Concession Open Acreage and the Production Sharing Open Acreage.
The need to change the templates was caused by the changes in the requirements for issuing insurance bonds, established by the Superintendence of Private Insurance (“SUSEP”), as provided for in SUSEP Circular Letter No. 662/2022. The hearing was followed by a 45-day public consultation, during which 31 contributions were received. Soon, the ANP will publish the new versions of the Tender Protocols, which will regulate the new cycles. Currently, the Tender Protocols are suspended for the opening of new cycles due to the need to adjust the local content regulations to the new guidelines addressed by the National Energy Policy Council (“CNPE”), in compliance with CNPE Resolution No. 11/2023.
ANP approves resolution amending diesel oil specifications
On April 25, 2024, the ANP’s board approved a resolution outlining the new national specifications for road diesel oils as well as quality control measures. This new regulatory act amends ANP Resolution No. 50/2013 and complies with CNPE Resolution No. 16/2018. Among other provisions, the resolution addresses the improvement, by the ANP, of the quality specifications involving A (pure) and B (biodiesel added) biodiesel and diesel oils.
Some of the key changes in the new resolution are:
(i) change in the limits of the specification parameters for S10 and S500 diesel oils, such as oxidation stability, cold clogging point, acidity index and water content;
(ii) inclusion of requirements for proper handling, transport and storage procedures for A and B diesel oils;
(iii) introduction of co-processing as an alternative to diesel oil production, with the definition of C diesel oil, by adding to the country’s transport fuel matrix a product that is partially renewable, which will contribute to mitigating carbon dioxide emissions;
(iv) change in the deadlines for notices of non-compliance when there are changes in the biodiesel content in B S10 and B S500 diesel oils; and
(v) discontinuation of S500 diesel oil for road use and S1800 diesel oil for non-road use, with its replacement by S10 diesel oil with a low sulfur content.
ANP analyzes report on CCUS
On April 25, 2024, the ANP’s board analyzed a report on the implementation of the regulatory framework for carbon capture, use and storage (“CCUS”) in Brazil. This topic is the focal point of numerous bills currently under discussion by Brazilian Congress. If approved, the ANP will be appointed as the regulatory authority responsible for this activity. Based on the ongoing legislative proposals, the study examined the future implementation of the CCUS regulatory framework by the ANP. The purpose was to anticipate the identification of areas involved as well as the regulatory instruments that will need to be adapted or established after the potential approval of the public policy under analysis.
As a result, the ANP recognized the importance of an experimental regulation through a pilot project, as an instrument potentially suitable to address the projects involving CCUS that can be submitted to the ANP’s analysis and approval. Currently, numerous ongoing projects have been considered to be financed by the Research, Development and Innovation Clause (“PD&I”) or linked to regulated activities, which require regulatory measures by the ANP in the short or medium term, and whose legal framework is still being processed by Brazilian Congress.
Finally, the board emphasized the importance of the study as a preparatory step by the ANP, thus sending a clear signal to public and private agents about the intention to make regulatory instruments available to the market in a way to support, in a timely manner, the development of a safe and sustainable CCUS industry.
ANP publishes consolidated data of oil and gas produced in February
On April 02, 2024, the ANP published the Monthly Newsletter of Oil and Natural Gas Production, which provides for the consolidated data regarding Brazilian production in February 2024. The overall production, which includes oil and natural gas, amounted to 4.383 million barrels of oil equivalent per day (MMboe/d).
Regarding oil, 3.448 million barrels per day (bbl/d) were extracted – representing a drop of 2.0% compared to the previous month, yet an increase of 5.7% compared to February 2023. In turn, the production of natural gas in February amounted to 148.63 million cubic meters per day (MMm³/d): These figures indicate a reduction of 3.4% compared to January 2024, but a 1.4% increase compared to February 2023.
The overall production (oil + natural gas) in the pre-salt area for February reached 3.336 million boe/d, corresponding to 76.1% of the Brazilian production. These figures indicate a reduction of 1.5% compared to the previous month and an increase of 2.1% compared to the same month of 2023, when 2.623 million bbl/d of oil and 113.46 million m³/d of natural gas were produced from 148 wells.
The newsletter published by the ANP also pointed out that in February 2024, the natural gas utilization rate reached 96.5%. Of this percentage, 52 million m³/d were made available to the market and the gas flaring reached 5.28 million m³/d. There was a 16.3% increase in gas flaring compared to the previous month, and 38.7% compared to February 2023. The increase in gas flaring occurred as a result of the ongoing commissioning of FPSO Sepetiba, in Campo de Mero, which is common when new platforms are concerned.
ANP approves natural gas tariff proposed by NTS
On April 25, 2024, the ANP’s board approved a tariff proposal submitted by Nova Transportadora do Sudeste S.A. (NTS). The proposal will be applied in the process of offering and contracting existing capacity in transport pipelines operated by NTS, in the inflexible category (that is, with guaranteed movement up to the contracted volume), through annual contracts from 2024 to 2028.
The NTS’ proposal was submitted to public consultation, seeking to obtain contributions from the society as well as to assist the ANP in the calculation of road gas transportation tariffs. The approved tariff proposal complies with the ANP guidelines, including transparency of the regulatory account, seeking tariff moderation and the application of a 90% discount on tariffs applicable to interconnections between carriers, in order to streamline the movement of natural gas across the interconnected transport system.
According to the ANP, the implementation of these measures has the potential to foster the entry of new agents into the market, thus reducing concentration and deepening the process of competition introduction into the natural gas market, which was initiated after the New Gas Law was published.
ANP holds workshop for the lubricants market
On April 26, 2024, the ANP held the 2024 Lubricants Workshop. The event was destined to regulated agents in the lubricants sector, including producers, collectors, re-refiners and foreign trade agents handling lubricating oils, as well as anyone interested in the subject.
At the event’s opening, the ANP’s director, Daniel Maia Vieira, highlighted that the workshop represents another opportunity for direct interaction between the ANP and regulated agents. During the workshop, regulatory aspects of the lubricants sector were presented, with a focus on the Product Handling Information System (“SIMP”).
From the contributions collected, the ANP changed the table with the product codes to be used by agents when informing the handling of products. The change seeks to reduce the total number of codes, thus simplifying the process for agents, as well as improving the ANP analyses.
Thus, the event introduced the new table of codes, the procedures for registering them in SIMP, the measures to be taken by regulated agents, the timetable for implementing the table and the deadlines for the market to adapt.
Public consultations on RAP of transmission companies
On April 18, 2024, the National Electric Energy Agency (“ANEEL”) opened Public Consultation (“CP”) No. 11/2024 on the calculation of the revision of the Annual Permitted Revenue (“RAP”) of energy transmission contracts that have been tendered.
The preliminary results to be improved during CP No. 11 are:
- Third-party capital costs: there is 84% increase on the revenue offered in the auctions.
- Reinforcements and improvements: according to preliminary calculations, the revised remuneration for project changes authorized by ANEEL (16 contracts remaining from 2023) would be reduced to BRL 67.3 million, and the 70 existing contracts to BRL 576 million, as of July 2024;
- Other revenue: ANEEL plans to allocate BRL 30.8 million to reduce tariffs, regarding 30 revised contracts in 2024.
Agents can submit their contributions by May 17, 2024, to the following e-mail address:
ANEEL also opened CP No. 12/2024, which concerns the calculation revision of the RAP in transmission contracts extended by Law No. 12.783/2013. The CP covers nine concessionaires. The preliminary results, which will be improved during the CP, indicate an 11.2% reduction in the RAP of these concessionaires. The preliminary result of the adjustment installments shows a reduction of BRL 843.95 million.
Agents can submit their contributions by May 23, 2024, to the following e-mail address:
Click here to access CP 11/2024 in full.
Click here to access CP 12/2024 in full.
MME orders ANEEL to inspect ENEL SP
On April 01, 2024, the Minister of Mines and Energy (“MME”) published Official Letter No. 147/2024/GM-MME, requesting ANEEL’s intervention to analyze electricity supply flaws and infractions committed by the electricity distributor ENEL São Paulo (“ENEL SP”), through a sanctioning administrative proceeding.
The letter requests ANEEL to assess the quality of ENEL SP’s services under the terms of the concession contract and current regulation. ENEL SP could be subjected to sanctions and possibly even the termination of the concession.
Click here to access Official Letter No. 147 in full
Public consultation addresses procedures for carrying out decentralized activities under associated management of public services
On April 03, 2024, ANEEL opened CP No. 010/2024 on the procedures for carrying out decentralized activities under the associated management of public services and the revision of Normative Resolution No. 914/2021.
ANEEL currently holds 12 cooperation agreements with Brazilian states. These states, through their state agencies, oversee the generation, transmission, distribution and financial aspects, while also providing customer assistance services and maintaining institutional relations.
Accordingly, the CP will address the following topics:
- standardization of remuneration received by the agencies;
- restructuring of state agencies;
- expansion of the scope of action;
- extinguishment of state appeal bodies, so that cases are directly sent to ANEEL for a decision.
Agents can submit their contributions by May 17, 2024 to the following e-mail address:
Access CP No. 10/2024 and the ANEEL article.
First four-monthly load estimate review is released
On April 05, 2024, the Electric Energy Commercialization Chamber (“CCEE”), jointly with the National Electric System Operator (“ONS”) and the Energy Research Office (“EPE”), released the first Four-Monthly Review of Load Estimates for the Annual Energy Operation Planning – 2024-2028.
From 2024 to 2028, load is estimated to increase by 3.2%, per year, reaching an average of 89,257 MW by the end of this period, as shown in the table below:
1st Four-Monthly Review of Load Estimates for the Annual Energy Operation Planning – 2024-2028 | ||||||
SUBMARKET | 2024 | 2025 | 2026 | 2027 | 2028 | 2020- 2028 |
North | 6.6% | 4.1% | 5.0% | 2.7% | 3.3% | 3.8% |
Northeast | 3.8% | 3.9% | 3.7% | 3.4% | 3.5% | 3.6% |
Southeast/Midwest | 3.7% | 2.7% | 2.8% | 2.9% | 3.1% | 2.9% |
South | 2.7% | 3.2% | 3.2% | 3.3% | 3.6% | 3.3% |
National Interconnected System (“SIN”) | 3.8% | 3.1% | 3.2% | 3.0% | 3.3% | 3.2% |
Click here to access the four-monthly review in full
ANEEL modifies criteria for participation of non-dispatched hydroelectric plants in the MRE
On April 09, 2024, ANEEL published Normative Resolution (“REN”) No. 1085/2024, which amends the criteria and procedures for the participation of hydroelectric power plants that are not centrally dispatched in the Energy Reallocation Mechanism (“MRE”).
List of projects released for extraordinary flow margin is published
On April 15, 2024, the ONS published the list of projects released for extraordinary flow margin for which Transmission System Use Contracts (“CUST”) have been signed, in accordance with the guidelines established in REN No. 1,065/2023.
The list includes 39 projects that have executed contracts, totaling 1.4 GW (995 MW in the Northeast region and 493 MW in the Southeast region).
Click here to access the article in full
ANEEL approves PROPEE regulation
On April 19, 2024, ANEEL published REN No. 1086/2024, which approved the revision of Module 01 – Introduction, and Module 04 – Project Types, of the Energy Efficiency Program Procedures (“PROPEE”).
The changes aim at regulating the National Energy Efficiency Olympics (“ONEE”), designed to disseminate the concept of “energy efficiency” among the younger generation, encourage the training of teachers and potential replicators of the content and insert the practice of energy efficiency into the daily lives of students and schools.
Click here to access the REN in full
Resolution introduces changes to CCEE’s organizational structure and voting of new board members
On April 22, 2024, ANEEL published REN No. 1087/2024, which amends the Electric Energy Commercialization Convention (approved by REN No. 957/2021) and establishes new rules for the CCEE’s organizational structure, considering Decree No. 11,835/2023, which established a new governance structure for the association.
Among the measures, it is worth highlighting that the bodies that compose the Chamber will now be General Meetings, the Executive Committee the Executive Board, and the Audit Committee. The regulation establishes rules on the attributions and functioning of each body.
In addition, the regulation establishes new powers for the CCEE, including:
- acting in energy certification systems;
- providing services (including to non-members) of development of studies relating to the energy market; and
- entering into the Power Capacity Reserve Agreement (“CRCAP”) and the Power Capacity Reserve Use Agreement (“COPCAP”), the latter of which was already provided for by decree.
Accordingly, on April 23, 2024, new members of the Executive Committee and Audit Committee were elected at CCEE’s 25th Ordinary General Meeting.
The elected advisors are: Gerusa Magalhães (who was also elected Vice-Chairman of the Executive Committee), Vital do Rêgo Neto, and Ricardo Simabuku. The following were elected to the Audit Committee: Bruno Bastos Rezende, Kleberson Luiz da Silva and Talisa Rezzieri, as members, and André Millions Coutinho, Gustavo Cavalcante de Carvalho Rocha and Juliano Alexandre Cordeiro de Seixas, as alternates.
Click here to access the article in full
ANEEL approves the initiation of the second phase of public consultation on retail trading
On April 23, 2024, ANEEL approved the initiation of the second phase of Public Consultation No. 28/2023, on the regulation of the retail trading of electricity.
The first phase of the consultation resulted in REN No. 1,081/2023. In the second phase, adjustments to the CCEE’s Electricity Trading Rules and Procedures are to be discussed, in order to address topics such as:
- centralization of the structure for retail registration and control;
- access to information on the effective and valid conclusion of Retail Trading Contracts;
- implementation by the CCEE of the necessary controls and checks on the measurement data to enable accounting.
Agents can submit their contributions by June 07, 2024.
Access Public Consultation No. 28/2023 in full
ONS establishes new composition of its Executive and Audit Committees
On April 25, 2024, the General Meeting of the ONS approved the new composition of its Executive and Audit Committees.
The advisor’s terms will last two years, from May 01, 2024 to April 30, 2026.
The Executive Committee of the ONS is made up of 17 permanent members. Their duties include proposing to the General Meeting the appointment and dismissal of directors, approving the annual budget and investment plan presented by the board, among others.
The Audit Committee is made up of three directors and alternates representing the generation, transmission and consumption categories. Their duties include overseeing the actions of management, ensuring compliance with legal and statutory duties, as well as knowing and analyzing the ONS’s accounting, budgetary and financial documentation.
Click here to access the article in full.
Click here to access the list of new members and alternates of the Board of Directors.
Click here to access the list of new members and alternates of the Audit Committee.
Resolution amends Tariff Regulation Procedures for transmission companies
On April 29, 2024, ANEEL published REN No. 1,088/2024, which approved the revision of Submodules 9.1 and 9.2 of the Tariff Regulation Procedures (“PRORET”).
The changes established normative conditions to be followed by agents for calculating the regulatory remuneration base of transmission concessionaires.
The regulation discusses topics such as:
- the investment tolerance range;
- small improvements;
- small reinforcements;
- the cost of third-party capital;
- other revenues;
- time frames for future revisions; and
- the adjustment parcel.
Renewables and other Energy Sources
ANP authorizes first B100 biodiesel test in river navigation
On April 11, 2024, the ANP’s board granted the first authorization for the experimental use of pure biodiesel, known as B100. The authorization allows for the testing of B100 on a vessel restricted to a specific route, with a predefined origin and destination, as well as the amount of biofuel to be used.
ANP Resolution No. 910/2022 regulates the experimental and specific use of biodiesel and its blending with diesel oil in an amount higher than the percentage of mandatory biodiesel addition, as established by CNPE Resolution No. 3/2015, without expressly providing for its use in vessels. Despite the current lack of a specific regulation in Brazil, internationally, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) allows for the use of biofuels, including express provision for biodiesel.
In addition, the engine manual of vessel manufacturers that will be used in the test provides for the use of biodiesel in their equipment, which was crucial for the ANP’s authorization. The approval follows the recent trend of testing trucks and agricultural machinery with B100 biodiesel, whose results are being monitored by the ANP.
MP on renewable energy and tariff reduction: publication and measures already adopted by ANEEL and MME
On April 10, 2024, Provisional Measure (“MP”) No. 1212/2024 was published, which, in short:
- allows the extension, by 36 months, of the deadline for the implementation of projects originally required by Law No. 14,120/2021 as a condition for maintaining the 50% discount on the Tariffs on the Use of Electric Power Transmission and Distribution Systems (“TUST/TUSD”); and
- regulates the use of certain funds to reduce energy tariffs.
As a result, on April 18, 2024 ANEEL released Technical Note No. 458/2024, with procedures for applying the MP. As stated in the document, the provision of a performance bond required by the MP will follow the provisions of ANEEL’s Financial Guarantees or Studies Management Service Manual. The value of the bond will still depend on the definition of the estimated value of the project, which will be established by an act of the MME.
In addition, in line with the MP, the technical note stipulates that agents interested in the extension will have to sign a term of adhesion, which is attached to the technical note and will still be submitted to ANEEL’s board of directors.
It is also worth highlighting that, on April 29, 2024, the MME also regulated part of MP 1212/2024, through Normative Ordinance No. 75/2024. This ordinance established that the funds allocated to Research, Development and Energy Efficiency Projects (“R&D”), not allocated to the Energy Development Account (“CDE”), should be reverted to the benefit of tariff reduction in the concessionaires’ tariff proceedings to be conducted by ANEEL.
Demarest’s Energy and Natural Resources team has prepared a Client Alert addressing the main points of the MP.
Click here to access the MP in full.
Click here to access NT 458/2024
Click here to access Normative Ordinance No. 75/2024
OAB SP establishes four tenders for the construction of solar plants
On April 11, 2024, the Brazilian Bar Association (“OAB”) of the state of São Paulo launched new calls for tenders for the construction of 10 solar power plants, which will supply energy to 185 OAB service points in various regions of the state of São Paulo, through distributed generation.
The surplus energy from these plants will be redistributed to the local distribution concessionaire’s grid, which in turn will return the credits generated to the OAB’s consumer units. As a result, all subsections that are supplied by the same concessionaire will receive discounts on their energy bills.
Click here to access the article in full
Federal Government enters into a BRL 10.4 billion transfer to the Climate Fund
On April 02, 2024, as published by Editora Brasil Energia, Brazil’s National Development Bank (“BNDES”) and the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change (“MMA”) entered into a contract for transferring BRL 10.4 billion to the Climate Fund. These resources will be used by the BNDES to finance repayable projects aimed at mitigating and adapting to climate change.
Part of the fund’s resources will come from the fundraising carried out by the Ministry of Finance in November 2023, from the issuance of USD 2 billion in sustainable sovereign securities in the international market. According to the news, with a record amount of BRL 10.4 billion, the initiative now has a stable funding and becomes the Federal Government’s key instrument – and one of the largest in the world – in fighting against climate change and raising investments for adaptation.
The financing categories in the new Climate Fund are divided into six lines:
(i) resilient and sustainable urban development;
(ii) green industry;
(iii) transport logistics, public transport and green mobility;
(iv) energy transition;
(v) native forests and hybrid resources; and
(vi) green services and innovations. Investments in energy transition can obtain the fund’s financing whenever they involve generation from solar, wind and new renewable sources; conversion of biomass, co-processing and waste into energy; energy storage; modernization of smart grid; biofuels; infrastructure and production chain for the use of hydrogen with renewable sources; and technological development.
RenovaBio: ANP publishes definitive targets for distributors in 2024
On April 03, 2024, the ANP announced the mandatory individual targets for 2024 that must be complied by distributors, within the scope of the National Biofuels Policy – RenovaBio. The individual targets were calculated from the mandatory annual target of 38.78 million decarbonization credits (“CBIOS”) established for 2024 by CNPE Resolution No. 6, of November 29, 2023. The market share of each fuel distributor trading fossil fuels was calculated according to the methodology described in Article 6 of ANP Resolution No. 791, 2019.
The individual targets for 2024 will be added subsequently to the amounts of CBIOs that are not met by the distributor referring to its 2023 target, as provided for in § 1, art. 10 of ANP Resolution No. 791, 2019. By permanently withdrawing CBIOs from circulation, known as “retirement”, distributors meet their individual targets for acquiring decarbonization credits.
According to Decree No. 11,499, of April 25, 2023, the deadline for proving compliance with the 2024 targets is December 31, 2024.
RenovaBio: ANP publishes proof of individual 2023 targets for fuel distributors
On April 04, 2024, the ANP announced the conclusion on the verification of the compliance with the mandatory individual emission reduction targets for 2023, within the scope of RenovaBio. Overall, 33.1 million CBIOs were withdrawn from circulation, corresponding to 81% of the individual targets, and 88% of the global target for 2023. The 2023 individual targets, which amounted to 40.9 million CBIOs, were calculated based on the mandatory annual target and added to the 2022 targets not met.
According to the data provided by the ANP, of the 145 distributors with targets for 2023, 74 fully met the target, 7 met at least 85% of the target, 9 met less than 85% of the target and 55 did not meet the target at all. Failure to meet the target will result in fines and other sanctions, and the amount of unmet CBIOs will be added to the next year’s target. By March 31, 2024, 2.3 million CBIOs for the 2024 targets have already been withdrawn from circulation. The deadline for meeting the 2024 targets ends on December 31, 2024.
Bill approved fostering industrial use of clean fuels
On April 11, 2024, as reported by Editora Brasil Energia, Bill No. 4861/23 was approved by the Committee of Roads and Transport of the House of Representatives.
The Bill provides for a tax incentive policy for companies that choose to replace diesel with biomethane and natural gas in their industrial processes. The Federal Strategy to Incentivize the Sustainable Use of Biogas and Biomethane (“REIDETEC”), also created by the Bill, proposes the total exemption of incentive credit rates of PIS/PASEP and COFINS associated with the financial costs of modernization of industrial units, such as the acquisition of machinery and equipment. In addition, the Bill also proposes the total exemption of the Tax on Industrialized Products (“IPI”) on equipment aimed at conversion, compression, distribution and supply of biomethane and natural gas, as well as the accelerated depreciation incentivized for transport vehicles fueled by natural gas and biomethane.
After approval by the Committee of Roads and Transport, the Bill will advance for conclusive analysis by the committees of Environment and Sustainable Development; Mines and Energy; Finance and Taxation; as well as Constitution, Justice and Citizenship.
Ministry of Mines and Energy launches public consultation on the Operational Manual of the National Program for Universalization of Access to and Use of Electric Energy
On April 15, 2024, the MME opened Public Consultation No. 161/2024, seeking contributions from agents to propose a new Operational Manual for the National Program for Universalization of Access to and Use of Electric Energy (“Luz para Todos” – Light for All).
In general terms, the manual will cover the following points:
- criteria for the composition of works programs;
- availability of energy and power;
- electricity generation sources that will be part of the program;
- conditions for releasing funds to the executing agent;
- conditions for reviewing the physical targets of the contracts;
- financial conditions of contracts; and
- application of sanctions and penalties.
Click here to access the article in full.
Click here to access the CP in full.
Petrobras Contracting | EPC for installation of remaining sections to be built involving the OCERJ oil pipeline | May 28, 2024
12:00 PM |
7004257557 |
Petrobras Contracting | FPSO for SEAP- I – Chartering and Operation Services | June 14, 2024
12:00 PM |
Petrobras Contracting | FPSO for SEAP-II – Chartering and Operation Services | June 14, 2024
12:00 PM |
7004032955 |
Petrobras Contracting | Chartering and Operation Services of FPSO – Barracuda and Caratinga Revit | July 01, 2024
12:00 PM |
7004050042 |
Petrobras Contracting | Chartering up to 12 PSV vessels – Platform Supply Vessel, of Brazilian Flag. | August 02, 2024
05:00 PM |
7004265988 |
Petrobras Contracting | Provision of maintenance services for segments of terrestrial optical cable in operation at Petrobras, according to the specifications of this document and its annexes. | May 24, 2024
12:00 PM |
7004267420 |
Petrobras Contracting | OSRV – Chartering up to 5 vessels | May 15, 2024
05:00 PM |
7004270049 |
Petrobras Contracting | PSV – Chartering up to 2 vessels | May 15, 2024
05:00 PM |
7004270127 |
Petrobras Contracting | Chartering of helicopters to assist Petrobras, regarding LOTS A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H | May 20, 2024
05:00 PM |
7004267235 |
Petrobras Contracting | Chartering of helicopters to assist Petrobras, regarding LOTS A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H | May 20, 2024
05:00 PM |
7004267238 |
Petrobras Contracting | AHTS – Chartering up to 3 vessels | May 21, 2024
05:00 PM |
7004269811 |
Petrobras Contracting | Chartering of two helicopters for UN-AM | May 22, 2024
05:00 PM |
7004267017 |
Petrobras Contracting | EPC HIDW AND HCC GASLUB | July 23, 2024
12:00 PM |
7004269219 |
Petrobras Contracting | Tests and Applied Voltage Tests on Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Collective Protective Equipment (CPE) and Isolated Tools; Inspection of Protection Systems Against Atmospheric Discharges (“SPDA”) and Grounding Loops; Inspection of Ex Electrical
Equipment, Systems and Installations in Classified Areas. |
May 20, 2024
05:00 PM |
7004271274 |
Petrobras Contracting | EPC HDT, UTAA and UTCR GASLUB | July 23, 2024
12:00 PM |
7004269577 |
Petrobras Contracting | EPC UGH GASLUB | July 23, 2024
12:00 PM |
7004269429 |
Petrobras Contracting | EPC URE, MDEA, AMMONIA AND TAIL GAS GASLUB | July 23, 2024
12:00 PM |
7004269503 |
Petrobras Contracting | Charter of medium-sized helicopters serving as ambulance – LOT G – SUBLOTS 1 and 2. | May 20, 2024
05:00 PM |
7004267281 |
Petrobras Contracting | Charter of Large Helicopters for the Equator Margin Campaign – LOT H. | May 21, 2024
05:00 PM |
7004267355 |
Petrobras Contracting | Chartering of helicopters to assist Petrobras – LOTS K and L. | May 27, 2024
12:00 PM |
7004267356 |
Petrobras Contracting | Chartering of helicopters to assist Pool Petrobras – LOT N. | May 27, 2024
12:00 PM |
7004267359 |
Petrobras Contracting | Chartering of two helicopters for UN-AM- Lot 2 | May 22, 2024
12:00 PM |
7004271888 |
Call for Contributions (ANEEL) | TS No. 006/2024 | Improve the proposal to amend Submodules 2.4, 2.12 and 6.5 of the Grid Procedures considering the provisions of Title II-A of Normative Resolution No. 1,030/2022, included by Normative Resolution No. 1,073/2023, which addresses the calculation of constrained-off for photovoltaic plants. | May 24, 2024 |
Public Consultations (ANEEL) | CP No. 012/2024 | Revision of the RAP of Electricity Transmission Concession Contracts extended under the terms of Law No. 12.783/2013, with a revision date of July 01, 2023. | May 23, 2024 |
Public Consultations (ANEEL) | CP No. 011/2024 | Revision of the RAP of Electricity Transmission Concession Contracts relating to projects tendered with revision dates in July 2023 and July 2024. | May 17, 2024 |
Public Consultations (ANEEL) | CP No. 010/2024 | Proposal to revise Normative Resolution 914/2021, which addresses the procedures for delegating ANEEL’s authority to carry out decentralized activities under the associated management of public services to the states and the Federal District. | May 17, 2024 |
Public Consultations (ANEEL) | CP No. 009/2024 | Regulatory Impact Analysis Report (RIA) with proposed alternatives for calculating the energy required and non-technical losses in electricity distribution systems, considering the effects of Minigeneration and Distributed Microgeneration (MMGD) as well as contributions regarding changes to current regulations (PRORET), and proposals for standardizing and improving the information provided in the Market Information Monitoring System for Economic Regulation (SAMP Balance Sheet). | May 20, 2024 |
Public Consultations (ANEEL) | Second phase of CP No. 028/2023 | Improvement of the current regulation on retail trading. | June 07, 2024 |
Public Consultations (MME) | CP No. 162/2024 | Analysis of Methodologies and Computer Programs in the Electricity Sector (CPAMP), which addresses methodological improvements for the 2023/2024 Cycle. | June 17, 2024 |
Public Consultations (MME) | CP No. 161/2024 | New Operational Manual for the National Program for Universalization of Access to and Use of Electric Energy (“Luz para Todos” – Light for All). | May 15, 2024
** Please note that the deadlines in the table above are constantly changing and correspond to the deadlines disclosed at the time of publication of this newsletter.
July/2024 – Auction for Contracting Capacity Reserve
To be held by ANEEL. |
August/2024 – New Energy Auctions “A-4” and “A-6”
To be held by ANEEL. |
September/2024 – Transmission Auction 002/2024
To be held by ANEEL. |
October/2024 – Auction for the Supply of Isolated Systems
To be held by ANEEL. |
November/2024 – Auction for Contracting Capacity Reserve
To be held by ANEEL. |
December/2024 – Existing Energy Auctions “A-1” and “A-2″
To be held by ANEEL. |
July/2025 – Auction for Contracting Capacity Reserve
To be held by ANEEL. |
March/2025 – Transmission Auction 001/2025
To be held by ANEEL. |
August/2025 – New Energy Auctions “A-4” and “A-6”
To be held by ANEEL. |
September/2025 – Transmission Auction 002/2025
To be held by ANEEL. |
October/2025 – Auction for the Supply of Isolated Systems
To be held by ANEEL. |
November/2025 – Auction for Contracting Capacity Reserve
To be held by ANEEL. |
December/2025 – Existing Energy Auctions “A-1” and “A-2″
To be held by ANEEL. |
March/2026 – Transmission Auction 001/2026
To be held by ANEEL. |
September/2026 – Transmission Auction 002/2026
To be held by ANEEL. |
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